Wednesday, April 2, 2014

About Math Graphics and Analytic Geometry

This app turn your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch into a powerful toolset for learning and studying mathematical functions and graphics. Currently, there are 3 types of functions are provided:

1) Polynomials
2) Fraction of polynomials
3) Ellipses
Long division of polynomials
Drawing graphs

1) With graph drawing feature user can change the coordinates system as needed: change the background colour of graph, change the origin of the system, change position of x-axis or y-axis or change values of x-scale and/or y-scale of the system.

2) Detect and draw roots points, extreme points, inflection points, tangent lines, intersection points of the graph with a given line,...
Tangent line to ellipse and intersections with given line
3) Draw the area which is bordered by lines x = x1, x = x2, x-axis and the graph. Calculate integral of the function in interval [x1, x2] and the area under/over x-axis.

Integral of polynomials

Analysing and calculating

The following picture shows the output of analysing and calculating of the function and graphs:
Analysing function and graph

Special tools for inputing parameters

Input function parameters/coefficients
Saving and sharing results

User can save the result as an image or share it by e-mail, facebook, twitter:

Saving and sharing the output

Currently the app runs on devices with iOS 7.0 or later

Analysing & calculation

Basic version and full-featured versions of products' packages

The basic versions of above packages are FREE. The full-featured version of each packages provides advanced functionalities such as:

1) Allow to work with higher degrees of polynomials
2) Allow to attach related objects like: roots points, extreme points, inflection points, tangent lines,... to the graph.
3) Remove adds when user works with the full-featured package. If user purchased two or more full-featured packages, all adds will be removed.

Input coefficients for fraction of polynomials

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